Legislation Would Legalize Sale of Hemp-derived CBD Once and For All in Dietary Supplements
This article originally appeared on LetsTalkHemp.com.
By Steven Hoffman
As Americans readied for a long Labor Day Weekend, two members of Congress on September 3 introduced a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives to “make hemp, cannabidiol derived from hemp, and any other ingredient derived from hemp lawful for use under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act as a dietary ingredient in a dietary supplement, and for other purposes.”
The Bill, HR 8179, the Hemp and Hemp-Derived CBD Consumer Protection and Market Stabilization Act of 2020, if passed, would allow hemp-derived CBD and other hemp-derived ingredients to be legally marketed as an ingredient in dietary supplements, as long as the products comply with current legal requirements for new dietary ingredients, as well as other requirements pertaining to dietary supplements under federal law.
The bipartisan legislation, introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-OR) and Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-VA), would direct the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to use its authority and resources to set a clear regulatory framework for hemp and hemp-derived CBD and assure consumer protection for these products, reported the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) in a release.
For marketers of hemp-based CBD in dietary supplements, the bill would eliminate regulatory hurdles and uncertainty that have hampered the category’s growth.
“The Schrader/Griffith bill would ensure that hemp-derived CBD, and other non-intoxicating hemp ingredients, could be lawfully marketed as dietary supplements,” said the U.S. Hemp Roundtable in a statement. “The bill would require CBD and hemp extract product manufacturers to comply with the entire existing comprehensive regulatory framework for dietary supplements, which ensures that the products are deemed safe, properly labeled, and prepared utilizing Good Manufacturing Practices. Passage would also help stabilize the hemp markets, open up a promising economic opportunity for U.S. agriculture and honor our commitment made to farmers in the 2018 Farm Bill.”
Bill co-sponsor Rep. Morgan Griffith added, “Hemp was historically an important crop for Virginia farmers, and dietary supplements made from it do not possess dangerous addictive qualities. Nevertheless, the current state of regulation creates confusion about its legal uses. I joined this bipartisan bill to provide certainty for hemp farmers that their crop may find legal uses,” said Rep. Griffith in a statement.
In response to the proposed legislation, four leading dietary supplement industry associations, including AHPA, the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the United Natural Products Alliance (UNPA), applauded a bill that would protect public health by providing legal clarity in the cannabidiol/CBD marketplace.
“A growing number of Americans view hemp and hemp derived CBD as a way to improve health and wellbeing, driving high consumer demand and a proliferation of CBD-containing products in the marketplace. While the 2018 Farm Bill changed the law to allow hemp farming, regulatory uncertainty remains about the inclusion of hemp and hemp-derived CBD in dietary supplements. This lack of regulatory clarity along with insufficient oversight around hemp and hemp-derived CBD exposes consumers to potentially unsafe products and lack of consistency in product quality,” said AHPA in a September 4 release.
“A legal hemp and hemp-derived CBD pathway would also provide much needed certainty to hemp farmers,” AHPA added. “The dietary supplement industry is proud to support the Hemp and Hemp-derived CBD Consumer Protection and Market Stabilization Act of 2020 and we urge Congress to consider including the bill in a legislative vehicle soon.”
AHPA, CHPA, CRN, UNPA, along with the U.S. Hemp Roundtable, sent lawmakers a letter expressing unified support for the legislation, AHPA reported.
The parent company of Let’s Talk Hemp Media, We Are for Better Alternatives (WAFBA), signed on as an Endorser of the bill.
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Is Hemp Paleo? Ancient History Suggests Yes.
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in Honeysuckle Magazine.
By Morris Beegle and Steven Hoffman
Cannabis sativa, the plant that produces marijuana and its non-psychoactive cousin hemp, has been used by humans for more than 25,000 years. Here, we explore how hemp can be incorporated as an integral part of a healthful Paleo Diet and sustainable lifestyle.
Is hemp Paleo? Some Paleo purists have argued no. However, history suggests that ancient human ancestors – the Denisovans, living 160,000 years ago on the Tibetan Plateau – may have been among the first to discover the benefits of the Cannabis sativa plant for food, fiber and medicine - long before the advent of civilization and agriculture, thus qualifying it for consideration in a Primal Diet and lifestyle. Both marijuana and its non-psychoactive cousin hemp come from the cannabis plant, the origins of which have been traced back 28 million years to this central Asian region that lies at an elevation of 10,700 feet between the Himalayan mountain range to the south and the Taklaman Desert in China to the north.
According to other historians, during a short period of time at the end of the last Ice Age, Stone Age humans in Europe and Asia independently began using cannabis. Some studies suggest that cannabis entered the archaeological record of Japan and Eastern Europe at almost exactly the same time, between about 11,500 and 10,200 years ago. “
The cannabis plant seems to have been distributed widely from as early at 10,000 years ago, or even earlier," said researcher Tengwen Long of the Free University of Berlin in Germany.
Long and his research team suggested that different groups of people across Eurasia independently began using the plant at about the same time, perhaps for its psychoactive properties but also as a source of food and medicine, or even to make textiles and clothing from its fiber. They hypothesize that use of the plant spread rapidly as nomadic cultures on the Eurasian steppes mastered horseback riding, allowing them to cover vast distances and establish trading routes which would become the famed Silk Road several millennia later.
In the United States, hemp was produced and used extensively for centuries. It became an important material for everything from rope to sails to clothing. In fact, the original American flag sewn by Betsy Ross was made from hemp. Yet after existing for millions of years in nature, and proving to be of great use in numerous everyday applications, hemp and marijuana were made illegal by the passage of the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. Stories abound as to why.
Today, marijuana, with its intoxicating THC content, is still considered illegal federally in the United States under the Controlled Substances Act, although as of 2020 11 states – Alaska, California, Colorado, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont and Washington – and Washington, D.C., have legalized the sale of recreational marijuana. An additional 22 states have legalized medical cannabis and decriminalized adult use and possession.
Hemp, however, has had more federal success than its high-THC cousin. Hemp can now be legally farmed, produced and sold throughout the United States as a result of the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill. Hemp, also known as industrial hemp, is defined as having less than 0.3% THC. At such minimal levels, hemp is not intoxicating; it cannot get you high. As a result of the historic legalization of hemp after more than 80 years of prohibition, it is now experiencing a huge renaissance. Good thing, too, as hemp has more than 25,000 recorded uses, including food, CBD (cannabidiol) for medicine, fiber for textiles, raw materials for bioplastics and building materials, and more.
Given the explosive demand for all things made from hemp as a result of it now being legal, some estimates predict the U.S. market for hemp products will surpass $20 billion in sales by 2024. And now that we can legally study and utilize hemp in the modern age, who knows what uses and applications we will discover in the future about this incredibly versatile plant?
Hemp: The Original Superfood
Fortunately for followers of the trending Paleo Diet, which emphasizes the consumption of foods that would have been available in the Paleolithic Age (meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and roots) while eschewing more dairy and processed foods, hemp has been consumed and used as least as early as the Paleolithic era (approximately 2.5 million years ago). In modern times, foods made from hemp seed, banned as recently as 20 years ago in most grocery stores and many natural foods stores, is now considered a popular superfood. Hemp is included as a highly nutritious ingredient in many natural and organic foods and beverages, from shelled hemp seed, hemp seed oil and protein powders, to hemp veggie burgers and plant-based milk made from hemp seeds.
To be clear, hemp seeds contain little to no THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis (0.3% - 1.5% on average). Small dry seeds with hard shells, hemp seeds are similar to sunflower or sesame seeds, with a mild, nutty flavor. They can be consumed raw, sprouted or in powder form. Hemp seeds will not get you high and are perfectly safe to eat.
Dense in macronutrients and micronutrients, three tablespoons of hemp seeds provide 11 grams of protein (hemp seeds contain all the essential amino acids, providing a complete protein profile), 13.5 grams of fat (in particular, heart-healthy omega-3 essential fatty acids), 2 grams of carbohydrate, and 2 grams of fiber, and they are a rich source of iron, Vitamin E, phosphorous, magnesium and zinc. Whole, shelled hemp seeds, often referred to as “hemp hearts,” are an abundant source of soluble fiber, which can aid digestion, maintain healthy gut flora, and help manage blood sugar levels.
“Not bad for a little seed,” says Irena Macri, author of the Eat Drink Paleo Cookbook and Happy Go Paleo, on her blog Food Fit for Life. “This plant-based food is a fabulous source of protein, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Gram for gram, it fits the ‘superfood’ bill with a strong case. They’re a great seed for anyone on the Paleo Diet, the keto diet, or eating plant-based vegan or vegetarian diets,” she writes.
In addition, hemp seeds can serve as a great weight loss food, Macri says. “I love foods that are high in protein, healthy fats and fiber for weight loss. These foods are essential to the diet because they promote satiety, keep you full and keep you healthy. Starting the day off with hemp protein or seeds mixed into a smoothie, 3-4 tablespoons atop a bowl of yogurt, or in an energy ball is a great habit that can promote fat loss because it keeps appetite at bay.”
Loren Cordain, Ph.D., founder of the Paleo Diet movement, advises consuming hemp in moderation, and offered this advice on his website: “Hemp in any whole food form, like any seed, should only be consumed moderately on the Paleo Diet. If you like the taste of shelled hemp seeds, you can sprinkle them over a green salad or add them to your homemade Paleo trail mix in addition to other nuts for a quick energy snack.”
“As to whether hemp is Primal or not, I’d put it (like other seeds) in a supporting role. It’s not main Primal fare, but, when eaten in its healthiest (fresh) state, it can complement a good Primal eating plan,” says Mark Sisson, author of Mark’s Daily Apple, a leading Paleo Diet blog. Sisson points out that while hemp seeds contain a significant amount of omega-3 essentially fatty acids, it is primarily in the form of ALA rather than the preferred fatty acids EPA and DHA. That doesn’t mean it’s bad, Sisson asserts. “To hemp’s credit, the omega-6 content does include the healthier gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and stearidonic acid, both of which are believed to be anti-inflammatory in nature,” he writes. Hemp seeds are unique in that they are the only edible seeds that contain GLA.
CBD, Paleo and the Endocannabinoid System
The big news about hemp today is the growing popularity of CBD, or cannabidiol, found primarily in the flowers of the hemp plant. A non-intoxicating compound, CBD is one of over 100 cannabinoid compounds that have been identified in cannabis. First discovered in 1940, CBD has been shown to have promising beneficial effects in helping with chronic pain, inflammation, neurological conditions, PTSD, sleep, anxiety and many other conditions. One review, published in the journal Neurotherapeutics, found that CBD also may be a promising treatment for people with opioid additions.
Interestingly, CBD may play a positive role in high-fat, low-carb diets, says Martin Lee of Project CBD in Alternet. Citing a study by Swiss scientist Jürg Gertsch, who researched the consequences of dietary changes brought on by agriculture, the human body’s endocannabinoid system – an ancient biological signaling network that evolved in humans and other mammals – regulates numerous physiological processes, including intestinal function, glucose metabolism and stress response. A dysregulated endocannabinoid system, in turn, is implicated in metabolic and bowel pathologies and other diseases.
Gertsch’s thesis, Lee says, is that chronic metabolic disorders are rooted in “a mismatch between ancient genes and high caloric diets” that ensued with the introduction of agriculture. “The multimillion year evolutionary process during which nearly all genetic change reflected the life circumstances of our ancestors [was] suddenly disturbed” when “carbohydrate farming” supplanted the “hunter-gatherer diet rich in animal food,” said Gertsch, who maintains that “the interplay between diet and the endocannabinoid system” is key to understanding today’s obesity and diabetes crisis and its potential remediation.
With the surge of interest in the health benefits of CBD, there’s been a huge increase in the number of products with CBD added to them, from tinctures and extracts to CBD infused snacks, beverages and body care products. Researchers have found that CBD is safe and definitely safer than many pharmaceutical medications, however, the FDA is currently studying the CBD market. It has mostly left ethical players alone, but the agency recently sent warning letters to a number of companies making outlandish health claims for their products.
Given its potential anti-inflammatory effects, CBD may complement a Paleo Diet, according to the blog Paleo Leap. “From a Paleo perspective, CBD oil also comes under scrutiny for fat quality – and that goes double for any kind of CBD candy, CBD cookies, CBD drinks, and other edibles,” the blog says. Other than that, studies suggest that CBD is compatible with a Paleo Diet and healthful lifestyle habits. One worry for “low-carbers” might be “will CBD give me the munchies?” However, the good news, Paleo Leap reports, is that researchers found that low doses of CBD didn’t cause sweet cravings or increase liking of sweet foods. “There’s definitely a role for a few carefully chosen supplements to complement a base diet of nutrient-dense whole foods,” the blog advises.
Fortunately for followers of the Paleo Diet, hemp has been consumed and used at least since Paleolithic times. Look for CBD products that are certified organic, produced without additives, and lab tested by a trusted third party in order to be Paleo friendly.
From Climate Change to Sustainability, Hemp Can Save the World
As discussed thus far, hemp has significant nutritional and therapeutic benefits for both human and animal health and wellness. This plant, this agricultural crop, also provides an impressive amount of environmental benefits, from carbon sequestration, phytoremediation and soil building to reduced water usage and less inputs, including fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides, needed during cultivation. The mindset of most hemp farmers today, and the environmental position the hemp industry publicly espouses, is assisting in the organic and regenerative agricultural renaissance necessary in bringing balance back to ecosystems around the planet. All of these attributes are positives in the fight against climate change.
The environmental benefits of hemp do not stop in the field, but continue when used as a feedstock for the processing and manufacturing of industrial ingredients and materials. It has been suggested for decades that hemp has the ability to replace most products made with fossil fuels and timber/wood, two industries that have a significant negative impact on the health of the planet. Biofuels, bioplastics, biocomposites, paints, varnishes and industrial cleaning agents can all be made from hemp and potentially displace product counterparts made by fossil fuels. Another reduction in fossil fuel reliance could come from hemp’s promising results as a supercapacitor material. Looking at hemp and its potential as a renewable resource that can be grown from the ground, annually and in mass, compared to the continued extraction of finite resources and the consequences that come with it, it seems reasonable to look at the possibilities of how to shift our focus away from a hydrocarbon to a carbohydrate or agro (new and renewable plant-based) economy.
The construction and building materials industry uses a significant amount of energy, fossil fuels, synthetic chemicals, and timber in ways that have measurable negative impacts on the environment. Hemp once again is a sustainable and renewable option that reduces impact, provides cleaner construction materials, from hempcrete, insulation, paneling, flooring, particle board, plaster and roofing. These alternate or “drop-in” materials are rising in popularity today.
When we look at timber and wood for various consumer and commercial productions, deforestation that comes with the depletion of these resources, and the complications compounded with disrupted ecosystems, we need to seriously explore better alternatives that leave a smaller carbon footprint.
Hemp has been a primary feedstock for paper since the latter’s invention nearly 2,000 years ago. It was only as recently as the end of the 1800’s and with the coming of the Industrial Revolution, when new machinery began to be developed for other feedstocks such as jute, cotton and wood. The rise of Captains of Industry (or Robber Barons, depending on perspective), in timber, fossil fuels and synthetics took the mass production of paper and built out processing and milling operations setup specifically to produce high volumes of their materials with little to no foresight on environmental impact. Hemp was seen as less profitable compared to the materials in the industries they wanted to build.
Fast forward 100+ years and the paper and packaging industry are a leading contributor to dioxide into the environment. Dioxide is a compound found in chlorine, extremely hazardous, and one that has been necessary to process wood pulp by removing lignin to create commercial paper. Using hemp fiber as a feedstock for paper, packaging and various corrugated cardboard materials, hemp’s lower lignin content and higher cellulose content makes chlorine unnecessary and the use of hydrogen peroxide, a low impact alternative, viable in commercial paper milling.
What we’ve pointed to throughout this article is what we know today. The marketplace is excited about the possibilities of what can be done with hemp across the products spectrum now that the wall of prohibition is finally coming down after 80 years. Modern technology and innovation are moving into the hemp sector over the next several years and should provide additional product, replacement ingredient and environmental opportunities to industries and consumers far and wide.
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Miyoko Schinner Takes on the Future of Food: Compass Coffee Talk™ Welcomes the Founder and CEO of Miyoko’s Creamery, September 10, 2020, 11:30 am EDT
Join the Conversation on the Next Episode of Compass Coffee Talk™, Hosted by Natural Products Industry Leaders Bill Capsalis and Steven Hoffman for an Interview with Vegan Epicurean Activist: Miyoko Schinner, as She Takes on the Future of Food.
What: Compass Coffee Talk™
Episode 6: “Interview with Vegan Epicurean Activist: Miyoko Schinner Takes on the Future of Food.”
Date: Thursday, September 10, 2020, 11:30 am – 12:00 pm EDT
To Register: Click HERE, Free on Zoom
Sponsored By: Allegro Coffee
Boulder, CO (August 27, 2020) – Compass Coffee Talk™ is pleased to announce that innovative vegan epicurean activist Miyoko Schinner, Founder and CEO of Miyoko’s Creamery will appear as the next featured guest on its educational, business-to-business webinar. Miyoko’s Creamery is a leader in the plant-based food revolution. The company’s mission is to create “world-changing social and environmental justice by inspiring a more compassionate, global food culture that drives the growth of Miyoko’s,” says company Founder and CEO Miyoko Schinner.
Together, natural products industry leaders Bill Capsalis and Steven Hoffman will host a discussion with Miyoko Schinner on the power of building a plant-based empire and the positive impact the brand has made in the natural products industry. Join the conversation for a power-packed thirty minutes and hear from the "Queen of Vegan Cheese" as she discusses the evolution of plant-based products and what’s next for the industry. “Interview with Vegan Epicurean Activist: Miyoko Schinner Takes on the Future of Food,” will take place Thursday, September 10, 2020, 11:30 am EDT.
“Compass Coffee Talk is looking forward to hearing from Miyoko’s lively and insightful expertise. We support her commitment to positively impacting the world around us and applaud her efforts as a change-maker in the natural products industry,” said Steven Hoffman, Managing Partner, and Founder, Compass Natural Marketing. “Miyoko also will share tips on how entrepreneurs can succeed in the burgeoning plant-based foods market in this lively conversation.”
Tempered by experience but driven by passion, learn how Miyoko, a renowned vegan author, chef, and animal rights advocate, cracked the code in developing world-changing organic vegan cheese and butter products that appeal to core consumers – and that have inspired many more to try new plant-based foods.
About Miyoko Schinner
Miyoko Schinner is the CEO and founder of Miyoko’s Creamery, the leading natural and organic plant dairy food brand combining cheese-making traditions with whole food technology to craft world-changing cheese and butter from plant milk, not cows. Today, Miyoko’s products can be found in more than 15,000 retailers nationwide and in Canada, including Target, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods Markets, Kroger, and Safeway.
A pioneer in the plant-based cheese revolution, Schinner a passionate epicurean activist, chef, former restaurateur, best-selling cookbook author, co-host of the national public television cooking show Vegan Mashup, and a founding board member of the Plant-Based Foods Association. She is also an active Naturally Bay Area member and a part of the Naturally Network community. An animal rights advocate, Schinner co-founded Rancho Compassion, a nonprofit animal sanctuary in California that provides a home to over 70 rescued farm animals. She lives with her husband and family in Marin County, CA.
Compass Coffee Talk™ Powered By Allegro Coffee
Compass Coffee Talk gives special thanks to its newest sponsor, Colorado-based, Allegro Coffee. Each episode, one webinar attendee will receive a free bag of Allegro Coffee, a specialty coffee company that believes that where and how coffee is grown matters. Since 1977, Allegro Coffee has remained committed to sourcing the highest quality coffee from farmers dedicated to environmental stewardship and worker livelihood.
About Compass Coffee Talk™
Compass Coffee Talk™ features lively interactive conversations with industry leaders and experts designed to help guide entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes succeed in the marketplace. Hosted by natural and organic products industry veterans Bill Capsalis and Steve Hoffman, Compass Coffee Talk is produced by Compass Natural Marketing, a leading PR, branding, and business development agency serving the natural and organic products industry.
To register for the FREE Zoom Webinar, click HERE.
Bill Capsalis, Host, 303.808.3441, bill@billcapsalis.com
Steven Hoffman, Host, 303.807.1042, steve@compassnaturalmarketing.com
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New DEA Interim Final Rules a Trojan Horse to Disrupt the Hemp Industry?
This article originally appeared on LetsTalkHemp.com.
By Steven Hoffman
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) published on August 21 interim final rules (IFR) on hemp that it says puts the agency in compliance with the 2018 Farm Bill’s legalization of industrial hemp. The new rules seem friendly enough, but hemp and CBD industry watchdogs point to a potential trojan horse that could present a significant threat to the hemp industry.
Introducing the rules, DEA’s language seems benign enough, stating, “The interim final rule merely confirms DEA’s regulations to the statutory amendments to the CSA (Controlled Substances Act) that have already taken effect, and it does not add additional requirements to the regulations.”
Among its four main amendments is language stating that “tetrahydrocannabinol” (THC) does not include “any material, compound, mixture, or preparation the falls within the definition of Hemp.” In addition, it removes any CBD drug product approved by FDA from Schedule V status; and the IFR removes import and export controls over hemp and its derivatives. Lastly, the rules modify the definition of “marihuana extract” to exclude substances that contain less than 0.3% delta-9 THC on a dry-weight basis. The rules add no additional costs resulting from these changes, said DEA.
However, attorney and writer Rob Kight of Kight on Cannabis warned that the rule “could potentially be a fatal blow to the entire hemp/CBD industry, namely, the IFR’s criminalization of ‘work in progress’ hemp extract, a fundamental component of any consumer hemp/CBD product,” he said in a recent report. The catch, he explained, is that DEA wants to measure on a dry weight basis, but hemp extract is an oil – it’s “wet.”
Kight refers to “work in progress hemp extract” as an extract of hemp in a partially processed state that is not intended for consumer use or consumption. “With respect to the Farm Bill’s language, it clearly contemplates that hemp extracts will be created, and that they will be lawful,” he stated in his report. “Otherwise, the term ‘extract’ would not have been included in the definition of hemp,” Kight said.
“Under almost any normal extraction and manufacturing process it is impossible to avoid a stage in which the extract is both ‘wet’ and within the 0.3% THC limitation,” Kight continued. “For example, take the most basic processing method of trimming and separating a hemp plant’s stalks, stems, and seeds from its leaves and flowers. Processing the plant in this way, which occurs on some level for most hemp cultivated in the U.S., increases the concentrations of THC despite not increasing the actual amount of THC.” However, Kight asserted, when final consumer product reaches the market, it is well within the 0.3% limit.
“For these reasons, it is reasonable to assume that Congress intended for extracts to be produced and that such production will necessarily result in a stage during the processing phase when the extract contains THC concentrations in excess of 0.3%. In other words, it is reasonable to conclude that Congress contemplated the existence of work in progress hemp extract, Kight concluded.
DEA’s removal of FDA-approved CBD pharmaceuticals from its schedule is consistent with an action the agency took in April 2020 when it removed GW Pharma’s CBD epilepsy drug Epidiolex from Schedule V of the Controlled Substances Act, reported Marijuana Moment.
As the agency finalizes its enforcement rules for hemp and CBD, DEA has not necessarily been a cooperative partner with the USDA, according to Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue. Marijuana Moment reported in March 2020 that Perdue placed partial blame on DEA for restrictive policies included in its hemp rules that were making it challenging for producers. Perdue said DEA was having an outsized influence on its proposed hemp rules and that DEA “really didn’t like the whole program to begin with,” referring to hemp reform, reported Marijuana Moment.
“The DEA always wants to control the narrative surrounding industrial hemp despite Congress’s clear intent to keep the DEA out of it; that is precisely why the 2018 Farm Bill was written the way that it was written – to remove any strings that the DEA may try to assert re: hemp. They did this in 2016 with the Marijuana Extract drug code, and they are doing it again with this IFR. It is a never-ending battle not between the DEA and the hemp industry, but between Congress and the DEA. Which is a damn shame,” said leading hemp and cannabis attorney Bob Hoban, founder of The Hoban Law Group in Denver, CO.
“We are just starting to dig into the DEA’s new IFR language,” said Jonathan Miller, attorney with Frost Todd Brown in Lexington, KY, and director of the firm’s hemp practice, and general counsel for the U.S. Hemp Roundtable, “There is a concern, if it is read broadly enough, that the DEA would think they’re in the business of policing CBD and other hemp extractors. The 2018 Farm Bill made it clear that is not the case.”
Read DEA’s Interim Final Rules here.
Public comments will be accepted on the proposed amendments until Oct. 20, 2020.
Hemp Industry Staying Connected During COVID-19: New Let's Talk Hemp Website Delivers Top Industry News, Strengthens Hemp Community
Hemp Industry Staying Connected During COVID-19: New Let's Talk Hemp Website Delivers Top Industry News, Strengthens Hemp Community
Expanded Media Platform Fosters Education and Unites Evolving Industry with Real-Time News, Business Features, Trends, Research, Guest Contributors, Events, Podcasts, and More.
Denver, CO (August 25, 2020) – The Colorado Hemp Company, a division of We Are For Better Alternatives (WAFBA), is pleased to unveil the expansion of its digital media properties, showcasing a new and improved website for Let’s Talk Hemp (http://LetsTalkHemp.com).
Let’s Talk Hemp is amplifying its digital platform to further educate and unite the industrial hemp community during COVID-19 with unique and curated content, including a focus on recent news and thought leading articles, a weekly newsletter, and continuing its industry famous podcast.
Let’s Talk Hemp, a premier online media resource, provides in-depth news and information featuring top hemp industry headlines, exclusive interviews with experts, leaders, and guest contributors while highlighting business and agriculture updates, product innovations, and trends. The newly redesigned website offers a more user-friendly experience and focus on industry news. With improved search, education, and an editorial focus, LetsTalkHemp.com is poised to be the top hemp industry news source.
“We’re reinforcing our commitment to the industry and reenergizing the community by creating even more accessible content. We’re taking it a notch by offering additional information and news to our current line-up of virtual and online events,” says Morris Beegle, Colorado Hemp Company and Let’s Talk Hemp Media Co-founder. “We are proud to serve as a community and collective voice through our reformatted website, weekly newsletter, digital magazine, and podcast."
Also, Let’s Talk Hemp integrates with the hemp industry’s top digital weekly newsletter, delivered straight to your inbox every Wednesday. To subscribe to the weekly newsletter, click here.
Next Up: WAFBA Virtual Conference, November 10 – 12
Virtual online and in-person events are still a significant part of WAFBA, NoCo Hemp Expo, and Colorado Hemp Company’s vision for keeping the community connected. Our next event will be focused on better alternatives for veterans (from cannabinoids to psychedelics to healthcare) and covering the best products and services that put Mother Earth and our health first in these times of challenges and rapid change.
WAFBA registration and details will be released soon at: https://nocohempexpo.com/experience-hemp/.
Event producers have also announced new dates for the NoCo7 Hemp Expo, which will now take place March 25-27, 2021. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, show organizers had to shift plans in 2020, though they remain optimistic for the industry.
Let’s Talk Hemp Sponsors
National brands are showing their support for Let’s Talk Hemp and include partnerships with established companies who support the hemp space. Sponsors of Let’s Talk Hemp include Patagonia, Nutrition Capital Network, New Holland Agriculture, and EcoGen BioSciences. Morris adds, “We’re grateful for these internationally well-known brands’ collaboration. The private sector is driving this industry and the more support we get from it, the better our odds of getting the government to regulate it properly."
For more information on advertising or to submit an article, email info@nocohempexpo.com or visit their media and sponsorship kit HERE.
About Let’s Talk Hemp Media
Let's Talk Hemp is a leading media platform that focuses on Hemp News, Lifestyle & Education.
We curate news, education, and information about hemp and cannabis to our podcast listeners, newsletter subscribers, and digital magazine readers to learn more about the industry and get tips and tricks on the latest technologies. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and learn about legal updates, farming, production, and new products entering the hemp and cannabis space. Let's Talk Hemp is a publication of the Colorado Hemp Company (a division of We Are For Better Alternatives WAFBA) focused specifically on industrial hemp and cannabis. Let’s Talk Hemp features news globally and shares the benefits of cannabis on health, energy, manufacturing, and the planet (HEMP). Subscribe to Let’s Talk Hemp’s weekly hemp and cannabis industry newsletter at www.letstalkhemp.com.
About Colorado Hemp Company
The Colorado Hemp Company, the producer of the 7th Annual NoCo Hemp Expo (NoCo7), is a leading organization for the advancement and advocacy of hemp farming, processing, production, innovation, education, and legalization in the USA. The entire team is committed to researching and developing alternatives so that hemp can once again thrive and help individuals and communities throughout America and around the globe.
Steven Hoffman, Compass Natural, 303.807.1042, steve@compassnaturalmarketing.com
Morris Beegle, Colorado Hemp Company, 970.541.0448, info@nocohempexpo.com
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Could California Pass the Most Regressive CBD Regulations in the Country?
This article originally appeared on LetsTalkHemp.com.
By Steven Hoffman
The CBD/hemp industry learned only this past week of a piece of legislation drafted for stakeholder review by the California state administration that would prohibit interstate commerce of hemp extract and ban the sale of hemp products to individuals under 21 years of age in the Golden State. Hemp industry leaders are calling the draft language “draconian” and fear it could hamper the work that Assembly Members Cecilia Aguiar-Curry and Buffy Wicks have done to advance good legislation for hemp.
Editor’s Note: This article has been revised, based on subsequent input from a source for the story.
Hemp industry leaders were surprised this week when the California Governor’s office floated regressive language to regulate the hemp extract market to the point where interstate commerce would not be allowed, and where sale of CBD products including tinctures, dietary supplements, ingestible products and topicals would be prohibited to individuals under 21 years of age, enforced with criminal penalties.
Additionally, industry leaders expressed concern over this brand new language which has not been vetted. The concern here is that the CA legislature is only is session until August 31st, and the language coming out of the Governor’s office is completely different than the language shared with them for their feedback.
This could prohibit good language from being passed as early as next week before the state legislature takes its recess. Included among the draft regulations are rumored excessive fees to manufacturers and retailers, and overly broad authority to limit serving sizes, and to treat non-psychoactive hemp products as if they were alcohol, marijuana or tobacco.
“The challenge here is that the California General Assembly leaves town next week. We are running up against a deadline,” said Jonathan Miller, attorney with Frost Todd Brown in Lexington, KY, and director of the firm’s hemp practice, and general counsel for the U.S. Hemp Roundtable.
According to Miller, “There are three parties involved – the governor and his administration, including the California Department of Public Health, the state legislature, and the hemp industry. For two years, the Department of Public Health has said it is illegal to sell CBD as a dietary supplement or food additive, but they haven’t really enforced it across the board. However, we have seen enforcement actions against stores on a county level. We would like to see legislation passed that explicitly says cannabinoids can be sold. We are now negotiating with the governor’s office and are optimistic we can get a good bill passed, but we are running out of time. In some of the drafts, we’ve seen some things that we thought were poison pills. We either reach agreement over the weekend or we are going to fight. No bill is better than a bad bill,” Miller added.
According to one lobbyist working on the hemp language in California who declined to be named, if such language is eventually passed “It would give California the most restrictive law in the country. It’s also a matter of existing jobs in hemp and agriculture. Hopefully the administration and legislature will be mindful that some businesses will leave the state, and some will go bankrupt. And consumers may not understand that their access to hemp and CBD products could be cut off,” the individual said.
Chris Boucher, CEO of Farmtiva in Laguna Beach, CA, a longtime hemp advocate and entrepreneur, has been involved in six pieces of legislation in California, starting with the first in 1995, he said. Boucher encourages hemp industry associations to rally the farm community in California to write letters and make phone calls. He too, expressed concern about the lack of time to respond to restrictive draft legislation.
Boucher and other industry experts expressed support for California Assembly Members Cecilia Aguiar-Curry and Buffy Wicks for their work on legislation to advance the hemp products industry in the state – and also to contact Governor Gavin Newsom’s office to express support for the hemp industry.
“These days it seems everyone is reaping the benefits of CBD – except the State of California. Why? Because hemp-derived CBD isn’t legal here,” said California Assembly Member Buffy Wicks in a Tweet made on August 10. “That’s why I’ve joined Assembly Member Aguiar-Curry to fix this, so our farmers, retailers, consumers – and state coffers – can benefit.”
Attorney Jonathan Miller encourages hemp advocates that want to get involved to visit www.hempsupporter.com, hosted by the U.S. Hemp Roundtable, and sign up for free. “Once you get to the website, it allows you to easily send an email to the Governor’s office and to your state legislators. Once you are on our list, we’ll send out email alerts to all our hemp supporters to let them know of developments and to enlist them for support.”
Register Today! Join Miyoko's Creamery Founder and CEO Miyoko Schinner on Compass Coffee Talk, September 10, 11:30am EDT
Interview with a Plant-based Revolutionary: Miyoko Schinner Takes on the Future of Food
Episode 6 - Thursday, September 10, 11:30 am – Noon EDT
Zoom, Admission is Free
The mission at Miyoko’s Creamery, a leader in the plant-based foods revolution, is to create “world-changing social and environmental justice by inspiring a more compassionate global food culture that’s driven by compassion, conviviality and the power of plants.” That’s the credo that drives the growth of Miyoko’s, says company founder and CEO Miyoko Schinner.
Learn how Miyoko, a renowned vegan author, chef and animal rights advocate, cracked the code in developing world-changing organic vegan cheese and butter products that appeal to core consumers – and that have inspired many more to try plant-based foods. Tempered by experience and driven by passion, Miyoko also will share tips on how entrepreneurs can succeed in the burgeoning plant-based foods market in this lively conversation with Compass Coffee Talk co-hosts Bill Capsalis and Steve Hoffman.
About Miyoko Schinner
Miyoko Schinner is the CEO and founder of Miyoko’s Creamery, the leading natural and organic plant dairy food brand combining cheese making traditions with whole food technology to craft world-changing cheese and butter from plant milk, not cows. Today, Miyoko’s products can be found in more than 15,000 retailers nationwide and in Canada, including Target, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods Market, Kroger and Safeway. A pioneer in the plant-based cheese revolution, Schinner (AKA The Queen of Vegan Cheese) is a passionate epicurean activist, chef, former restauranteur, best-selling cookbook author, co-host of the national public television cooking show Vegan Mashup, and a founding board member of the Plant Based Foods Association. She also is active in Naturally Bay Area and the Naturally Network community. An animal rights advocate, Schinner co-founded Rancho Compasión, a nonprofit animal sanctuary in California that provides home to over 70 rescued farm animals. She lives with her husband and family in Marin County, CA.
About Compass Coffee Talk™Take a 30-minute virtual coffee break with Compass Coffee Talk™. Hosted by natural industry veterans Bill Capsalis and Steve Hoffman, Coffee Talk features lively interactive conversations with industry leaders and experts designed to help guide entrepreneurs and businesses of any size succeed in the market for natural, organic, regenerative, hemp-derived and other eco-friendly products.
Compass Coffee Talk™ is produced by Compass Natural Marketing, a leading PR, branding and business development agency serving the natural and organic products industry. Learn more.
BioLift™ Makes a Big Splash in the Big Apple
Just as the Coronavirus pandemic hit the U.S., InnoBev, Ltd., an Israeli FoodTech company, was set to soft-launch BioLift™, its “biohacking” dietary supplement beverages in retail stores, bodegas, and office buildings in Manhattan. Ready to help New Yorkers stay alert, company CEO and founder Eli Faraggi had to make a quick decision in mid-March for his New York launch plans.
“When you’re in start-up mode, you put all the pieces together in anticipation to fill orders. But when COVID-19 hit at the same time, we realized first-responders would be exhausted, out of focus, and foggy by the afternoon from spending hours on their feet helping others,” said Faraggi. “Instead of pushing our product to retailers, we pivoted our attention to hospital workers because they were in immediate need of the benefits of BioLift.”
The company was the first beverage maker in the U.S. to partner with the “Founders Give” program, a nonprofit that mobilizes mission-driven brands to feed, clothe, and support communities when a crisis strikes. Added Faraggi, “We were able to see first-hand the positive effects BioLift had on first-responders as they were able to do their jobs more efficiently and perhaps even save more lives.”
BeyondBrands, a natural products industry powerhouse and full-service, executive-level consulting accelerator, identified BioLift’s potential for success. “We're impressed with BioLift's clean ingredient panel and botanical properties and look forward to helping them make a big splash in retail stores nationwide,” said Eric Schnell, CEO, and co-founder of BeyondBrands.
Thirst-Quenching Varieties
More than just an “energy drink,” BioLift is a scientifically-based formulation that synchronizes our body’s clock and Circadian rhythm to overcome the afternoon slump known as ‘Post Lunch Dip’ (PLD). BioLift™ is available in three refreshing varieties: Mandarin Orange, Melon Lime, and Mixed Berry. All three beverage flavors contain fewer than 10mg of caffeine and are low-glycemic, non-GMO, gluten-free, and low in calories.
For sales and distribution information, contact Heather K. Terry at BeyondBrands, heather@beyondbrands.org, or Eli Faraggi at eli@DrinkWakeUp.com.
As Pandemic Drags On, Consumers Seeking Health Drive Record Natural & Organic Sales as Retailers Adapt to Change
This article originally appeared in Presence Marketing’s August 2020 newsletter edition and on New Hope Network’s IdeaXchange.
By Steven Hoffman
More than five months have passed since the nation and world have come under the grip of the coronavirus. Today, as Covid-19 continues to surge throughout the U.S., we wait in lines to get into stores, wear face coverings (well, at least most of us), follow floor markers to help ensure social distancing, and shop quickly to get in and out with our groceries. The days of browsing, sampling product, and being entertained by large merchandising displays and the “theater of food” have made way in large part for safety and efficiency as consumers change their shopping behavior in brick and mortar stores, and increasingly turn to options including online ordering, curbside pickup and delivery.
One thing is for sure, though. The coronavirus crisis is bringing out better eating habits, based on recent sales data, as Americans seek to improve their health and immunity, and as core natural and organic consumers double down on healthy, clean food to help ensure the health and safety of their families during these “safer at home” times.
In fact, natural and organic products are experiencing significantly higher sales in 2020, and that trend may continue. After seeing a 39% spike in sales due to stockpiling for the four weeks ending March 22, 2020, compared to the same period in 2019, natural products retail sales for the four weeks ending June 14, 2020, increased 14% over the previous year, according to market research firm SPINS, as reported in New Hope Network’s Natural Products Industry Health Monitor. And that’s after back-to-back 18% increases in the four week periods ending April 19 and May 17, respectively, reported SPINS.
Organic Food and Beverage Sales Surge 25%
Bloomberg reported in July that Americans “are prioritizing nutrition over cost as Covid-19 infections continue to rise across the U.S.,” pointing to Nielsen data showing that sales of organic food and beverages surged 25% for the 17-week period ending June 27, 2020. Organic meat, seafood and frozen food saw the largest increases, Bloomberg reported. “We’re expecting strength to continue in organic and natural food sales,” said Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Jennifer Bartashus in the article. Given the lockdowns to prevent the spread of the virus, “a lot of people have used the opportunity of working from home to really make a lifestyle change – lose weight and exercise,” she said.
At the same time, Bloomberg noted, while unemployment has skyrocketed and value matters more than ever, declines in discretionary spending have allowed more room for premium and specialty foods, including natural and organic products. “People are starting to look at what they’re consuming more thoughtfully now,” Ted Robb, CEO of New Barn Organics, told Bloomberg. “People are not going to fly. They’re not going to the salon. Even though we’re in a recession, and people are trying to be careful, food is one area where they can spend a little bit more,” he said.
Dietary supplements, too, are benefitting from a focus on immunity and health, leading to the highest growth rate in over 20 years for this category, reported Nutrition Business Journal. NBJ projects supplement sales in 2020 will grow 12.1% across all categories, with immunity supplements growing more than 50%, to surpass $50 billion in sales. Of note, NBJ projects that e-commerce sales of nutritional supplements will grow a whopping 61.4% in 2020, compared to 7.1% in brick and mortar stores. Longer term, online sales of supplements could increase from 10% of the market in 2019 to 20% of the overall market by 2023, NBJ predicts.
Other natural and organic categories benefitting from the coronavirus crisis, according to SPINS and New Hope Network, include shelf-stable beans, grains and rice, which took off in March with 160% growth for the four weeks ending March 22, and which still reported a robust 26% growth rate in June. Sales of plant-based meat alternatives have risen significantly, too, as coronavirus cases at meat processing plants may have led to negative perceptions of the conventional meat industry and its supply chain.
Categories in sharp decline, however, as people continue to stay closer to home include cosmetics and beauty products, weight management formulas, water bottles and filtration, body care kits, deodorants and antiperspirants, and shelf-stable jerky and meat snacks, reported SPINS and New Hope.
Fighting for Foot Traffic
In examining how the pandemic is shifting consumer behaviors, research firm Gravy Analytics compared foot traffic at four leading groceries including Wegman’s, Whole Foods Market, Safeway and Publix through June 2020. Foot traffic at these stores was typical in February and early March. This was interrupted by a spike in mid-March when consumers began pantry loading. Subsequently, foot traffic at all four supermarkets in the study declined, reaching its lowest point in mid-April before leveling off in June, according to Gravy Analytics.
While all supermarkets in the study were impacted by the pandemic, Whole Foods Market fared worse, according to the data. For the week of June 14, foot traffic to Safeway and Publix was 28% and 26% lower, respectively, compared to the week of February 2. Yet, Whole Foods Market’s foot traffic was 44% lower.
“However,” the Gravy Analytics researchers emphasized, “while foot traffic is an important indicator, it doesn’t necessarily mean that fewer consumers are shopping at Whole Foods and Wegman’s. Less foot traffic in store could be a reflection of consumers opting to use new curbside and delivery services. Regular Whole Foods customers, for example, might be purchasing their groceries through Amazon instead. Consumers might simply be less familiar with Publix, Safeway, and Wegman’s curbside pickup and delivery services, making them more inclined to go into the store. While convenience isn’t a new consumer behavior trend, it is becoming more prominent as stores find new ways to give consumers a safer shopping experience, and consumers become more familiar with these services,” they said.
In a panel hosted by Winsight Grocery Business in early July, former Whole Foods Co-CEO Walter Robb expressed concern over the reduction in store traffic, and an associated “de-emphasis” on in-store merchandising during the pandemic. “One thing we’re seeing across all retailers is less trips,” Robb told the panel. “And in retail, the trip is precious, just precious. And they have stepped back significantly. The basket is gone up to counter that, so it was supposed to come out even. But the nature of it is that with the way the store is set up now, it becomes more transactional. There’s much less of a value in merchandising, etc., because folks want to get in and get out. And so, you know, whether it’s the reduction of SKUs or whether it’s the fact that you’re flattening or spreading out your displays or whatever, I think, the advantage of physical stores that from a merchandise perspective, particularly a retailer like Whole Foods, is minimized as a result of this.”
Planning When Everything Is Changing
“How do we shape our promotional strategy in a time when everything is changing?” asked Jonathan Lawrence, Senior Director of Grocery & Natural Living for Fresh Thyme Farmers Market. Based in Downers Grove, IL, Fresh Thyme’s hybrid mix of 70% natural/organic to 30% conventional product offerings in its 74 stores located throughout the Midwest help shoppers get everything they need in a value-based, one-stop shopping format, Lawrence said. “How do we provide amazing customer service and promotion and at the same time respect social distancing? How do we reach customers and support them in a safe manner? That’s the challenge, but is absolutely what is needed,” Lawrence mused.
Lawrence confirmed that, like other retailers, the customer count at Fresh Thyme is down, but the average basket purchase is up. “We are ramping up with the idea that this may come back hard in the fall,” he said. “We are starting to plan for the immune season and how we are going to tackle it differently; our responsibility is to be there for our customers. There are categories leading the way that haven’t before, such as zinc, immune support products, hand sanitizer, etc. Now, they are spiking and we are sometimes having to think outside the box with our vendors to get product on the shelf. We might opt for a different size or a different product to have something on the shelf,” he said.
Fresh Thyme plans to open a new store in downtown St. Louis in 2021, and hopes to incorporate what it is learning now into the new concept. “You are going to see the new evolution of Fresh Thyme with the new store and also with planned remodels. We’re going to craft the product mix around the customer and the local community,” Lawrence said.
“How do we change the fluidity of our supply chain and food system? We need a shorter runway in our supply system, and that’s the challenge,” said Corinne Shindelar, founder and former president of the Independent Natural Foods Retail Association (INFRA). “As an industry, we have always been about system changes and trying to make things better. We now have the opportunity to change the system pretty rapidly because we have the ears of society like never before. We could be influencing a more dynamic and robust outcome, but only if we do the work. We don’t know how long this pandemic will last. As such, I would put many contingency plans into the budget,” she advised.
To save money on delivery services – Instacart charges up to 8%, said Shindelar - she recommends that independent retailers could do something as simple as add a line to a cell phone as an ordering hotline. “We overcomplicate things,” she said. Shindelar also advised retailers to consider what to reopen. “If you were losing money at food service, with high labor costs and low margins, now is the time to consider working with local restaurants and food service operators that retailers can feature as grab-and-go meal solutions,” she advised.
Walter Robb, who served as co-CEO of Whole Foods Market when it became one of Instacart’s high profile partners, advised retailers on the Winsight Grocery Business panel to be sure to capture customer data when working with a third party delivery service. “If you don’t capture the data on your customers and know who they are, what they’re buying and be able to look at their basket adjacencies and the analytics, then you’re breathing in the dark in terms of growing business,” he cautioned.
At Cambridge Natural Foods, located in the heart of Boston, the family-owned business felt the shock of universities and colleges nearby closing, and people leaving the city for second homes when they could to escape the pandemic, said cofounder Michael Kanter. Out of an overabundance of caution, the store initially closed for a week in mid-March and then opened for curbside and delivery only. It fully reopened its doors on July 7, to the community’s – and family’s – relief. “In hindsight, it was painful to close, but we also saw that our staff and customers were vulnerable,” said Kanter. “Now, we are limiting the number of customers in the store, we’ve installed plexiglass protection, we’re doing a lot of curbside pickup and delivery, and we’ve limited hours to help keep our staff safe and sane. We’re back to about three-fifths of our normal volume,” he said.
There may be a silver lining in what we learn from the pandemic, Kanter offered. “We weren’t so conscious of public health and hygiene in public places before. We kind of know we are a part of each other but until you experience something like this, you don’t think about it. Now we are much more aware of how what we do affects others. Maybe that will propel us forward into realizing that caring and sharing are paramount in society.”
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Shift Happens: The Power of Influencers and Brands. Grab a Mug for Compass Coffee TalkTM Featuring Ari Adams, CEO, ShiftCon Media, July 23, 2020, 11:30 am EDT, Sponsored by Allegro Coffee
Shift Happens: The Power of Influencers and Brands. Grab a Mug for Compass Coffee TalkTM Featuring Ari Adams, CEO, ShiftCon Media, July 23, 2020, 11:30 am EDT, Sponsored by Allegro Coffee
Marketers, Brands, and Influencers are Invited to Join the Conversation on the Next Episode of Compass Coffee Talk™, Hosted by Natural Products Industry Leaders Bill Capsalis and Steven Hoffman, as they Discuss New Ways to Drive Awareness Online During Unprecedented Times.
What: Compass Coffee Talk™
Episode Number 5: “The Face of New Media, Healthy Lifestyles, and Diversity: Meet Ari Adams, CEO of ShiftCon Media.”
Date: Wednesday, July 23, 2020, 11:30 am – 12:00 pm EDT
To Register: Click HERE or watch LIVE on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CompassNatural/
Sponsored By: Allegro Coffee
Boulder, CO (July 16, 2020) – Compass Coffee Talk™ is pleased to announce that Ari Adams, CEO, ShiftCon Media, will appear as the next featured guest on its educational, business-to-business webinar. ShiftCon Media is a nationally renowned eco-wellness online influencer and social media community that focuses on food, wellness, health, sustainability, and diversity.
Together, natural products industry leaders Bill Capsalis and Steven Hoffman will host a discussion with Ari Adams on the power of influencers during these unprecedented times: “The Face of New Media, Healthy Lifestyles, and Diversity,” Thursday, July 23, 2020, 9:30 am MDT. Marketers and brands of all sizes are invited to join the conversation for a power-packed thirty minutes and explore new ways to connect and engage with a diverse range of influencers who support healthy lifestyles.
“Compass Coffee Talk is looking forward to sharing Ari’s expertise and we support ShiftCon Media’s commitment to creating a profound and positive impact on the world around us. Now is the time to come together and leverage our collective voice,” said Steven Hoffman, Managing Partner and Founder, Compass Natural Marketing.
Shift Happens
In this lively discussion, Ari will highlight how ShiftCon’s online influencer community is adapting to change in a continually evolving time of uncertainty. “Influencers are vital to a brand's survival right now, and the traditional path of reaching new customers is no longer an option. ShiftCon provides that bridge and is a connecting point for brands targeting new audiences,” said Ari Adams, CEO, ShiftCon Media. “I am looking forward to providing insights on diversity, new media and how to accelerate change in the natural products industry.”
Additionally, Compass Coffee Talk participants will learn more about ShiftCon’s upcoming virtual conference and expo taking place on October 8-10, 2020. For more information on how to participate or to be a sponsor, visit: shiftconmedia.com.
About Ari Adams
Ari Adams is a parenting and lifestyle blogger, author, and CEO of the annual ShiftCon Eco-Wellness Influencer Conference for eco-friendly and health-conscious bloggers and influencers. She holds a master's degree in marketing and has more than 15 years of experience in the media industry. Ari is the voice behind the lifestyle and parenting blog Love, Peace & Tiny Feet; where she shares her adventures of balancing parenthood, holistic wellness, DIY crafts, recipes, and other tips for parents.
Compass Coffee Talk™ Powered By: Allegro Coffee
Compass Coffee Talk would like to give special thanks to its newest sponsor, Colorado-based, Allegro Coffee. Each episode, one webinar attendee will receive a free bag of Allegro Coffee, a specialty coffee company that believes that where and how coffee is grown matters. Since 1977, Allegro Coffee has remained committed to sourcing the highest quality coffee from farmers dedicated to environmental stewardship and worker livelihood.
About Compass Coffee Talk™
Compass Coffee Talk™ features lively interactive conversations with industry leaders and experts designed to help guide entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes succeed in the marketplace. Hosted by natural and organic products industry veterans Bill Capsalis and Steve Hoffman, Compass Coffee Talk is produced by Compass Natural Marketing, a leading PR, branding, and business development agency serving the natural and organic products industry.
To register for the FREE Zoom Webinar, click HERE. Or watch streaming LIVE on Compass Natural’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CompassNatural/.
Bill Capsalis, Host, 303.808.3441, bill@billcapsalis.com
Steven Hoffman, Host, 303.807.1042, steve@compassnaturalmarketing.com
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